Dreamland Villa Rehab Units 1-10, 14; Velda Rose Units 2-4
Project #: TT0641
Project Description
The Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) identified these road sections in the Dreamland Villas community for maintenance improvements, including full-depth asphalt removal and replacement. This project also requires evaluation and improvements to the ADA pedestrian facilities.
The goal of this project is to replace the existing pavement with new pavement material and provide a safer smoother riding surface. This project will help maintain the structural integrity of MCDOT's roadways and provide improvements to the existing pedestrian facilities in accordance with the MCDOT Project Development Manual (PDM), the MCDOT Road Design Manual (RDM) and the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
The developments are located from Adobe Street to East Main Street, and from North Higley Road to North Recker Road.
For information about Title VI, please visit our information page.