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227th Avenue, Montgomery Road to Dove Valley Road

Project #: TT0657

Project Description

The Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) will be making roadway improvements, including paving, on 227th Avenue from Montgomery Road to Dove Valley Road, and on Dove Valley Road from 227th Avenue to the west approximately 1400’. The improvements aim to diminish dust.

Project Overview

  • The paved roadway will have 12-foot lanes and 10-foot graded shoulders, with one lane of travel in each direction.
  • Concrete culverts and low water crossings at washes.
  • Posted 25 mph speed limit in the area.

As of January 2024, construction is expected in early 2027. Scoping was completed in October 2022 and Final Design started in February 2023.

Project Information

Why is this Road Being Paved?

PM-10 Projects

According to the Clean Air Act, the Environmental Protection Agency has classified Maricopa County as a “nonattainment area” for PM-10. MCDOT is required to mitigate PM-10 generated in the MCDOT maintenance system in accordance with Maricopa County Air Pollution Control Regulation III, Rule 310.01, and in line with the State Implementation Plan. Learn more about the SIP:

There are various issues that may cause dust pollution in the air, such as dry conditions, winds, or agricultural activity. MCDOT’s paving efforts are designed to ensure that the County is a partner in meeting the planning obligations outlined in the PM-10 State Implementation Plan.

227th Avenue is within the PM-10 “nonattainment area”. Planning analysis found that daily vehicular trips exceeded maximum thresholds for a dirt road.

What kind of easements may be needed?

An easement is a right to cross or otherwise use someone’s property for a specific purpose. In the case of this roadway improvement project, MCDOT may require one or more of the following easement types;

Temporary Construction Easement: Required at locations where the project is within MCDOTs Right of Way, but additional space is required for the contractor to maneuver construction equipment in the area. These easements are temporary and are in place during construction only.

Driveway Temporary Construction Easement: A Driveway Temporary Construction Easement is required when the connection from the new mainline roadway to the existing driveway is outside the MCDOT Right of Way. MCDOT needs permission to enter the resident’s property to be able to effectively reconstruct the resident’s driveway using the same materials that they currently have on their driveway, and to properly modify the driveway’s grade to match the new mainline roadway. Driveway Temporary Construction Easements expire once construction is complete.

Slope Easement: Slope easements are needed at localized areas where the proposed roadway slopes (Cut or Fill) extend outside MCDOTs Right of Way. These easements allow MCDOT to grade and maintain slopes.

“Cut Slope”: refers to a situation where the area in questions is higher than the road, and the slope has to be lowered or “cut”

“Fill Slope”: refers to a situation where the adjacent area is lower than the planned road and the slope has to be raised or “fill.”

Drainage Easement: Drainage easements are needed in specific areas where erosion control measures such as rip-rap (stone) are proposed, or new permanent drainage features are installed, or to account for localized changes in water surface elevations due to the proposed improvements. These areas will be used by MCDOT for maintenance and repair and typically cannot be used by the easement grantor.

What drainage improvements are being proposed?

An all-weather crossing is proposed at the wash crossing Dove Valley Road just west of 227th Avenue. Five 48-inch concrete culverts are proposed at this location to convey flows underneath Dove Valley Road. For the rest of the project, existing drainage patterns are maintained. Concrete fords and cut-off walls are proposed at three wash crossings.

Will the existing vegetation in the MCDOT right-of-way be removed?

All vegetation within the MCDOT right-of-way (ROW) is subject to removal. This includes native vegetation and decorative landscaping. Trees and vegetation planted by property owners can be relocated from the MCDOT ROW at the property owners’ expense. Landscaping and structures (rocks, gates, fences, walls, decorative items, lighting, etc.) that are within the MCDOT ROW are also subject to removal; however, MCDOT will work with the property owner to address the need.

For information about Title VI, please visit our information page.

Project Mini Map
Project Map (Aerial)

Project Info

Scoping Schedule: 2020

Design Schedule: 2023

Construction Schedule: February 2027

Project Phase

Current Phase: Design

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